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"Let’s wave heavy metals and toxins goodbye!"
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Our body is constantly exposed to toxins and heavy metals. They are in the food we eat, in the air we breathe, in the products we apply directly to the skin, and in the medications and chemicals we use. The body resists these with detoxification, which is a natural process and happens in us all the time. Normal detoxification works by removing, neutralizing, and changing the chemical structure, or storing toxins in the body. Many vital organs are constantly working to filter and remove toxins. The liver, kidneys, lungs, colon, and skin support these natural detoxification functions. They filter and cleanse the blood, remove waste and protect the body from harmful toxins. This all works if the harmful substances are present in tolerable amounts. Today's world, however, is a very toxic environment. Increased exposure to heavy metals, complex industrial chemicals and lifestyle puts a heavy burden on us, so the body is no longer able to completely remove all the toxins that accumulate in us. Our health may already be more dependent on our environment than on our genes.

It is therefore important that we help the body during these processes. This is similar to car maintenance when we know it is necessary to replace a clogged filter or change the oil. In our body, however, we like to overlook this and turn for help only when problems in the form of various diseases appear. Although problems due to heavy metals are quite common, they are generally not diagnosed. This is because heavy metal poisoning is an elusive enemy.

It is well hidden in our body and is never revealed unless we are actively looking for it, which rarely happens, as such diagnostic procedures are very expensive.

It is good to be aware of some other possible reasons for our health problems. Many times, despite the healthy lifestyle, we do not feel very well or notice certain chronic symptoms that cannot be identified. We may have been healthy for many years, but at some point we start seeing the changes. Toxins accumulate in us slowly and when they exceed the limit, problems occur. Not only do they affect the physical functioning of the body but also the mentality and energy balance, thus hindering its overall functioning and causing diseases. This can lead to the conclusion that we are not sick but poisoned.

What can we do to help ourselves?   


The most important thing is prevention. We cleanse the body of toxins. This allows us to avoid many of the problems that would arise from these causes. However, if problems are already present, it is worth (in addition to medical treatment) trying to detoxify, as there are many recorded cases of clients whose condition has thus improved.

The body's load of heavy metals, radioactive elements and toxic substances from the environment is increasing today and cannot be avoided. While some heavy metals in small amounts are needed to maintain metabolism, such as zinc, copper and selenium, other heavy metals such as lead, mercury, cadmium and arsenic are harmful to health.

The IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer) classifies arsenic and cadmium as proven carcinogens for humans, and lead as a possible carcinogen. Cadmium has been linked to cancer of lungs and prostate, and arsenic to cancer of lungs, skin, liver and lymphatic system. Lead has a negative effect on the development of the brain and the nervous system. Mercury interferes with brain function, damages the nervous system, causes muscle cramps and allergies. Moreover, heavy metals affect not only the physical functioning of the body and our energy balance but also the mental health. Over time, these substances accumulate in the body, impeding its functioning and causing diseases. Sources of toxic substances are everywhere and cannot be avoided. We bring some of them through our mother with us into the world. In developed countries, up to 200 different toxins can be found in an infant today. We get most of them later in our lives through vaccinations, food, and the environment in which we live in general. Toxins and heavy metals are stored differently in humans and do not always work the same way. That is why people also react differently to these substances. A major problem in the body is the oxidation and metal salts.


A brief description of the main effects of certain harmful metals.


It weakens the body severely. It replaces calcium in the bones, weakens them and slowly causes one type of osteoporosis. Lead accumulates mostly in the bones, displacing calcium and causing its bioavailability. Lead inhibits enzymes associated with hemoglobin synthesis, increases the rate of destruction of the red blood cells and affects the nervous system. It also replaces calcium in the blood cells and thus damages the blood. Lead can increase uric acid levels and impair kidney function, leading to gout. Due to its diffuse action, lead can damage any organ in the body. The first symptoms of lead overload are manifested as fatigue, lethargy, and apathy. Because the symptoms are very general, doctors associate them with mental problems rather than heavy metal poisoning.



It is among the most toxic elements known to man. It is also the most common heavy metal in the world today. It is released when burning coal in thermal power plants. For Germany, this is 7t per year. Mercury is found in many prescription and over-the-counter medications, dental fillings, and vaccines. There are a number of symptoms that may occur after chronic mercury poisoning. It often settles deep in the brain tissues, kidneys and liver. It can cause autism. The toxic effects of mercury and its compounds are conditioned by its solubility. Mercury has the highest water solubility of all metals; the solubility of elemental mercury in water at 25°C is 56 μg/L. Methylmercury and ethyl mercury have relatively good lipophilic properties, allowing them to cross cell membranes and dissolve in adipose tissue. Both compounds are therefore difficult to remove from the body.


It is a highly toxic metal. In 2012, the International Organization for Research on Cancer classified cadmium as a group 1 carcinogen. Man is the main culprit for its presence in nature. It binds in the body similarly to calcium and thus reduces its intake into the body. It is a common metal found in marijuana cigarette smoke, tap water, some processed and refined foods and seafood, especially shellfish. Inhalation of cadmium oxide (occupational exposure, smoking) is the most dangerous, as the body absorbs 40% of inhaled cadmium through the lungs. Absorption through the intestinal mucosa is relatively low (less than 5% of ingestion). It mainly affects kidneys, cardiovascular system, and bones. Cadmium inhibits DNA repair mechanisms. It is estimated that around 25,000 - 30,000 tons of cadmium land in nature each year.



It is a very toxic mineral. When it enters natural circulation, it is not destroyed. Arsenic poisoning is very common today and affects most people to some extent. Arsenic is a poison that affects the heart and the left side of the brain. It is a powerful enzyme poison that interferes with the adrenal glands. It affects the proteins with zinc, which prevents them from functioning, thus impairing the formation of the white blood cells. In SE Asia, there are areas where rice is grown that are heavily contaminated with arsenic. Many lakes are contaminated with arsenic, which poisons fish. Arsenic is also found in beer, wine, rice and butter. It is used as a pesticide on fruits and grapes. Much of it is released in the production of copper.



It is poorly absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract, but absorption is higher by inhalation. Platinum is released through car exhaust pipes, so values ​​are elevated in garages, tunnels, parking garages and other semi-enclosed or enclosed facilities where traffic takes place. The exposure to platinum in the form of metal is not in fact detrimental to health, but its salts are harmful, as they cause allergic reactions, inflammation and breathing problems. Symptoms of excessive platinum exposure include: inflammation of the conjunctiva, asthma, inflammation of the nasal mucosa, weakening of the immune system, and skin inflammation. Poisoning most commonly occurs with some cancer treatment methods (chemotherapy to reduce tumor growth). Prolonged exposure can cause bone marrow damage, lung disease, hearing damage, cancer, kidney damage, and changes in the DNA record.



It is a very common metal in the soil and is absorbed by all plants. It is also present in deodorants, make-up and medicines. It is excreted from kitchen foils, especially if they come into contact with acid. It is connected with a variety of mental illnesses such as depression, fatigue, prolonged response time, and impaired concentration and coordination, and can cause Alzheimer’s disease. In people who have kidney problems, aluminum is accumulated in larger amounts because the kidneys cannot excrete it normally. Skeletal system disorders occur in children exposed to aluminum medication. Aluminum in deodorants can cause local dermatitis, but it is also problematic because a larger amount passes into the blood and lymphatic system. Several studies also suggest that exposure to aluminum increases the chance of developing cancer of lungs, bladder and lymph nodes.


EXAMPLE: A 430% higher excretion of mercury after 7 days of use. 10 drops 2x a day. There are no known side effects.

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